Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kenyan Way Long Run - 11 Miles

I couldn't have asked for a better run to start off the Kenyan Way Fall Marathon training season!  I am not sure of the temp or humidity, probably about 70deg and about the same % of humidity (not so bad considering...)

The route was 9 miles today so I got to base early and did 2 miles before starting with the group.  Started with the 4:15 group and held my own.  At the 2nd water stop (3.5 miles into the route), Coach was there and he looked at me and said "leaving the 4:15 group in your dust today huh?".  I had to laugh but not gonna lie it gave me the boost and confidence I can always use.

I was a bit apprehensive about the run going into it because I didnt eat any dinner last night unless you count the strawberries and cherry tomatoes I sneaked into the movies last night (went to see Thor with some friends; it was AWESOME!!!) and I had to stay far far away from popcorn which for me is VERY hard to do, but I know from past experience that popcorn the night before a long run does not go over so well on this body of mine.  I ate 1/2 Clif Bar on the drive over and hoped it would be enough.  I took 2 gels with me to be safe and took 1 at mile 4 and then another around mile 8.  I relied on Gatorade at every other water stop.

It all seemed to work because I ended up with a 9:49averagepace for the 11 miles.  I'm certainly happy with that.  As the weather gets much warmer I suspect that it won't always be this 'good' but I'll take the victories where I can get them.

I don't know if it was just fluke, or if the weight training is playing a small part in it, but I plan to keep on doing what I have been doing and just slowly taking the weight off.  I haven't weighed since that day a couple of weeks ago (when I was at 119, but the goal is 113), but I'll probably weigh in the next week or so for a gauge.  Next week the schedule has me just doing 7 miles so that works out great since I will be running Bay to Breakers in San Francisco and thats a 12K (7.46miles).

Happy Saturday and happy running!!!

1 comment:

Karen Seal said...

Awesome job on 9 miles - great time!! :0)